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Itsas Erreskate Basea
Base de Salvamento Marítimo de Arriluze Sea Rescue Station of Arriluze |
training exercises are performed during the weekends mainly because this
is the moment in which more volunteers have spare time to dedicate.
crew position has its own task and therefore also its own specifical training.
Despicte of this, there is a common goal for all the crew members which
turns to be be the most important: The confidance and mutual trust in navigation
and real situations of action.
Lifeguards: The
manoeuvres for the lifeguards are specially directed to the water rescue
and sanitary fields. In order to improve their sanitary skills they practice
with inmovilisations on the spinal board, both in land and on the water,
use of the medical box, splints and surgical collars, resuscitation manoeuvres...
Sailors: They
mainly exercise on navigation and arrangements of material and equipment
during adverse meteorological conditions, assisting the skipper during
the berth and cast off maneouvres, mooring, towing ships...
Divers: Althought
most of their exercises are carried out underwater, the ones performed
on board are also very important, such as arrangement of the equipment,
assisting an injured team mate or checking their own equipment as well
as the one from their colleagues at sea.
On top of this, our crew members have all in common a standard sanitary level of ambulance technician and in order to maintain it they are encouraged to practice on one of our medical emergency ambulances. Those volunteers with less practice or sanitary knowledge perform as helper of the main medical technician in the ambulance, but as they gain more and more experience and knowledge they are able to occupy the place of the main technician as well. |